Serinsey Smile

Composite Bonding

Cosmetic Dentistry

Composite bonding (veneers)

What is Composite Bonding?

Composite bonding is a modern way to restore teeth, either for cosmetic reasons, or to build up tooth structure that has been lost. It involves bonding a tooth coloured resin material to existing teeth to reshape them or improve their colour.

We bond on very strongly the resin material, polish it up, and this will last for many years.

Composite bonding is appropriate for pretty much every patient.

Any little imperfection can be improved with composite bonding. gaps between teeth and badly broken down teeth can be built up again with this very conservative treatment.

For Which cases in Turkey Do We Prefer Composite Bonding Treatment?

Slight Chips To The Tooth

Dental composite bonding is used to replace the parts of your teeth that might have chipped off.


Slightly Shorter Teeth

We can resort to dental bonding to lengthen the tooth and make it level with the others. 


Slightly Misaligned Teeth

Slight misalignment can be solved by “adding” to the teeth in a way that levels all of them.


Slightly Spaced Out Teeth

The spaces and crevices between teeth that might be too far apart can be compensated by tooth filling.


Discoloured Teeth

Tooth discolouration can be corrected if it doesn’t react to teeth whitening procedures.

How Composite Bonding (Veneers) is Done in Turkey? 

Direct Compozit Bonding (Veneers)

Your dentist will start by choosing a resin colour that matches your tooth best so that the resin attachment looks natural. Your tooth will then be prepared for treatment by slightly roughening the surface. It will then be coated with a liquid which helps the resin to adhere smoothly.

The resin will then be applied and moulded into the required shape. It is hardened with a UV light before being shaped again and polished by your dentist until it matches the rest of the tooth.

Injection Molded Composite Bonding (Veneers)

Along with standard composite bonding (which is a very popular treatment); we also offer the advanced injection moulded composite bonding treatment to help you get the smile aesthetic that you have always wanted. Experts in their field, our aesthetic dentists can offer this as an option if your case requires more in-depth attention to detail or in more comprehensive gaves to get the look that you want.

Injection moulded composite bonding involves the use of a custom mould being used to help shape your natural teeth with the white composite material. Your aesthetic dentist injects the composite material into this mould (you receive no injections into your mouth or gums at all – a needle is only used for the mould). In tandem with this, composite bonding also does not require any drilling of your teeth. Most cases are complete in only one appointment and you can leave our practice with a brand new smile after this popular treatment!

Indirect Composite Bonding

Indirect technique refers to fabrication of the restoration outside the oral cavity in the laboratory following which it is luted to the tooth with resin cement.

Composite Veneers Mockup

Composite mock-ups provide a method by which to evaluate the esthetic demands of a patient’s dentition. The techniques of mock-up fabrication can be used as aids in both diagnostic and esthetic evaluation. When used diagnostically, they allow assessment either on study models or directly on unprepared natural teeth. When used for esthetic evaluation, mock-ups can be placed directly on teeth which are either totally unprepared, partially prepared, or fully prepared for the final restoration. They can be placed immediately before the preparation appointment or in advance so the patient has a trial period in order to evaluate them functionally and esthetically.

By following a set preparation impression sequence the mock-ups can be duplicated by the lab when fabricating the final restorations. The end result is that the dentist is able to control the esthetic artistry from the beginning to the completion of treatment.

How Much Does Composite Bonding Teeth Cost in Turkey? 

Dental bonding costs €150-€300 per tooth, depending on the bonding treatment required.

Is Dental Bonding Cheaper Than Veneers?

To weigh the pros and cons of bonding vs. veneers, consider cost first. Porcelain veneers are more expensive than dental bonding. Because neither is generally covered by insurance, many people opt for the cheaper choice, which is dental bonding. For instance, when given the option between chipped tooth bonding vs veneers, most people choose bonding.

When considering the option of getting bonding vs. veneers, you should also consider the subtle aesthetic differences. For instance, porcelain veneers generally look a bit better than bonding. Bonding most often stains over time; however, porcelain veneers do not.


What are Advantages and Benefits of Compozit Veneers? 

Composite bonding can usually be carried out in just one visit to the dentist. It’s a fast and effective way to fix minor cosmetic issues. The composite is hardened using UV light as soon as it’s applied, resulting in a tooth that can comfortably bite down by the end of the appointment.

Bonding is also a non-invasive procedure. With alternatives such as crowns and veneers, part of the tooth is permanently removed. For composite bonding to be applied, the surface of the tooth only has to be roughened to help the resin to bond, meaning the structure of the tooth remains intact.

Composite bonding can make cosmetic improvements to your smile quickly, without causing further damage to your teeth.

Composite bonding can be a cheaper alternative to crowns or veneers. It’s also a less invasive process and can be completed in just one appointment. And with regular brushing and good oral hygiene, your composite bonds should last for years.


What Are Disadvantages of Tooth Bonding?

  • Dental bonding is not as stain resistant as other dental fixtures, such as a crown.

  • Bonding materials are not as strong as crowns, veneers, or fillings and do not last as long.

  • Bonding materials can chip and break off the tooth, therefore it is advised not to bite your fingernails or chew on pens, ice, and hard food objects.

  • Some dentists only recommend dental bonding for cosmetic changes, such as the correction of tooth shape or to hide tooth discoloration, due to its disadvantages.



What's The Difference Between Composite Veneers and Composite Edge Bonding?

Composite veneers are when we cover the full front surface of teeth. Composite edge bonding is when we add the resin just to the edges of teeth and. Composite bonding is a non-invasive while veneers require tooth reduction.

Application of bonding and veneers depends on what your main complaint is and what type of results you want to achieve. If you are looking to correct the shape or size of your teeth or you want them a little bit whiter then composite veneers are generally preferred. If you have small chips but you are generally happy with the shape, position or color of your teeth then composite bonding is a more appropriate choice.

What are Differences Between Composite Bonding and Porcelain Veneers? 

Some of the most common questions we get asked a lot are those pertaining to the differences between Dental Bonding and Porcelain Veneers. While they mainly serve the same purpose, there are a lot of differing traits and factors between both. Here are just a few.



Dental Bonding

Porcelain Veneers


Good aesthetics

Excellent aesthetics, they are custom made and artistically crafted by a highly skilled ceramist

Correction capability

Great for correcting minor aesthetic flaws

Able to correct most aesthetic flaws


Can last up to 5 years

Lasts more than 10 years

Tendency to chip

More susceptible to chipping

Less susceptible to chipping

Tendency to discolour or get stained

Susceptible to staining, regular maintenance required

Does not discolour over time


Cheaper short-term alternative

A long-lasting investment

Time of Treatment

Relatively shorter and can be done in one visit if changes are minor

Relatively longer and will always require more than one visit.


Is Composite Bonding Better Than Laminate Veneers? 

Appearance: They both have an aesthetic appearance that mimics the natural teeth. However, composite bonding may stain and darken over time.

Permanence: Veneers are more durable and can last 20 years without needing any replacement. Composite bonding is also a strong material however, it may require a few replacements during following years.

Cost: Composite bonding is a more affordable option. However, veneers have a longer life-span and they can save you money over time while bonding may break and require replacement eventually.

Time: Process of the veneers is longer because it includes tooth preparation, making an impression and fabrication stages. However, composite bonding is a fast procedure and can be completed in one visit.

FAQs About Composite Veneers

Can Tooth Bonding Be Removed?

Because there is no need to remove any of your natural tooth structure, the bonding material can be removed without any damage to your enamel. This is in contrast to other cosmetic treatments like veneers. Veneers require the removal of a thin layer of enamel, so the process is not reversible.

Can Composite Bonding Be Whitened?

Dental bonding material does not respond to a whitening solution like natural teeth do. This makes it necessary to whiten teeth and replace the bonding material at the same time.

What Foods Stain Composite Bonding?

These include coffee, tea, red wine, fruit juices, soft drinks, berries (blackberry, blueberry and cherries), soy sauce and curry. Stop (or at least cut down on) smoking because this can cause yellow and brown stains on the composite, affecting the appearance of your front teeth.

What Can You Not Do After Tooth Bonding?

Some foods can be problematic. Anything that is hard or very chewy can cause the dental bonding to wear, in the same way that it can also cause your tooth enamel to wear.

Can I Eat Straight After Composite Bonding?

You can eat and drink 2 hours after the bonding is completed but you should avoid eating extremely hard and colorful foods because the bonding material needs 24 hours to achieve its maximum strength. After this you can eat and drink normally.


Contact us to find out our cost of Composite Bonding in Turkey and to get a free quote!

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